Publications, Presentations, & Related Programs
In keeping with best practices in community-based research, the SPARC EJ Lab creates both public and academic presentations and publications. SPARC also contributes directly to community programs and exhibits that are a result of collaborative research.
Community Outreach Publications:
Enke, S., Magargal, K. Cachelin, A. Wyasket, J., Christensen, R., (2024) Gathering Firewood—and Redefining Land Stewardship—at Bears Ears. Sapiens.
Cachelin, A., Tabak, S. (2024). Urban Food Forest Initiatives: A Resource Guide for Planters and Planners. SPARC Environmental Justice Lab. Salt Lake City, UT.
Cachelin, A., Joyner, L., Kuttner, P., Rejon Magana, G., Montoya, E., Martinez, J., Taddie, K., Yagüe, B., & Banerjee, D. (2023). Embracing the journey: Growing educational pathways for food sovereignty. In J. Howard & A. Antunes Myers (Eds.), All in:Community engaged scholarship for social change (pp. 155–176). Myers Press.
Pontuti, T., Magargal, K., Cachelin, A. (2023). Healthy Corner Stores for East Central Ogden: Exploring barriers and opportunities to increase food diversity. SPARC Environmental Justice Lab. Salt Lake City, UT
Cachelin, A., Joyner, L., Saifee, Z. (2022). Urban Agriculture on the Jordan River. An Analysis of the Og-Woi People's Garden and Orchard in the Context of Salt Lake City and County Planning. Project report prepared for The Og-Woi People's Garden and Orchard. SPARC Environmental Justice Lab, Salt Lake City, UT.
Cachelin, A., Christian, P., Goeckeritz, K. (2022). Glendale Voices: Understanding Student Perspectives on the High School Experience. SPARC Environmental Justice Lab, Salt Lake City, UT.
Joyner, L., Cachelin, A.,Yagüe, B. (2022). Increasing Food Sovereignty: Insights from Salt Lake City Farmers and Food Advocates. Research summary and report prepared for SPARC Environmental Justice Lab, Salt Lake City, UT.
Kate Magargal, Jonah Yellowman, Gavin Noyes, Brian Codding, (2022). "Haa’jiih k’ó’?: A summary of firewood research findings and recommendations." SPARC Environmental Justice Lab, Salt Lake City, UT.
Hernandez, N., Endres, D. (2020) Air Justice: Bringing Equity, Democracy, and Participation to the Air Quality Conversation. Utah Museum of Fine Arts, ACME Initiative, Salt Lake City, UT.
Yagüe, B., Joyner, L., Cachelin, A., Lackey, Q., Unruh, S., Maack, L., Wason, P. (2020). Urban Farms and Food Access in the Glendale Community. Project report prepared for Backyard Urban Gardens, SPARC Environmental Justice Lab, Salt Lake City, UT.
Cachelin, A. (Ed.). (2015). Savor: Stories of Community, Culture, & Food. Salt Lake Education Foundation. Salt Lake City, UT.
*Note: Above link is an excerpt, not entire publication
Peer Reviewed Publications:
Joyner, L., Yagüe, B., & Cachelin, A. (2023). Promoting food systems paradigm shifts through critical reflexivity: Exploring interviews as Intervention. Social Sciences, 12(5), 280.
Kuttner, P., Antunes, A., Cachelin, A., Fitesemanu, L., Folau, M., Hart, S., & Salcedo, A. (2022). Establishing principles for community-based research: Story & power in the community research collaborative. Metropolitan Universities, 33(3), 52-68.
Community Presentations:
Kate Magargal, "Drought is diminishing firewood access for Navajo wood haulers," September 21, 2022.
Joyner, L., Yagüe, B., Cachelin, A. A Community-Based Approach to Food Equity & Local Food Systems. Utah Farmers Market Network Community of Practice. October 2021.
Joyner, L., Yagüe, B., Cachelin, A. Resilience, Urban Farms, and COVID-19. Utah Department of Agriculture and Local Food Advisory Council. October 2020.
Joyner, L., Yagüe, B., Cachelin, A. Towards Food Sovereignty in Salt Lake City. Slow Foods Utah Presentation. 2020.
Academic Presentations:
Nicolas Hernandez, “From Ambitious Policies to Burning Battery Banks: Diverse Rhetorics of Puerto Rican Energy Politics”, Conference on Communication and Environment, Harrisonburg, VA, June 2023
Anna Johnson, Piper Christian, Sarah Buening, Kate Magargal. Firewood and Indigenous Ecological Knowledge on Cedar Mesa, UT. University of Utah College of Social and Behavioral Science Student Research Day, Salt Lake City, UT. April 26, 2023.
Cachelin, A., Joyner, L., Yagüe, B. Urban Farms, Resilience, and COVID-19: Towards Food Sovereignty in Salt Lake City. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, April 2021.
Joyner, L., Yagüe, B., Cachelin, A. Syndemics: Exploring Food apartheid and COVID-19 through community-informed praxis in Salt Lake City. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, April 2021.
Yagüe, B., Joyner, L., Cachelin, A. Urban Food Justice through Community Campus Partnerships: A Case Study in Salt Lake City’s Westside. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. Spokane, WA. September 2019.
Nicolosi, E. Cachelin, A. The value of community-based research in critical environmental justice pedagogy and practice. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April, 2018.